Senior Capstone: Amalgamated America
Senior Capstone: Amalgamated America
The photographs of my childhood I am sacrificing will be collaged to form an abstract panorama of what I am calling Amalgamated America. The philosophy, and Japanese art of Kintsugi embodies our need to embrace Americas traumatic history, and participate as a community to manifest reparations to heal ancestral trauma. Climate Activist Greta Thunberg on September 23rd said: “You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words.” My intention is to exemplify Gretas words mending my broken dreams and childhood unify people in America in order to embrace the necessary preparations for intersectional and communal healing. The process of tearing and sacrificing my childhood photos is metaphorical for my personal “American dream” sacrificed for the climate crisis movement.
73.75" x 25.5"

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